The Morse Board met as the Board of Audit at 4:35 p.m. on March 7, 2024 at the Morse Town Hall.


Clerk Nick Wognum and Treasurer Mary Ann Lekatz presented the financial figures from 2023. There was discussion on the Summer Report for 2023. Wognum informed the board the Land Purchase Fund was closed out by a transfer from the General Fund for $126,719.46. These funds were previously received in grant funds from the IRRRB and St. Louis County. 


Moved by Soderberg, seconded by Cersine to approve transferring the $6,214.47 from the IRRRB Grant to the General Fund. Motion carried.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:51 p.m.


At 5:01 p.m. on March 7, 2024 at the Morse Town Hall, Chairman Len Cersine called a regular meeting of the Supervisors of the Town of Morse to order with the following present: Supervisor Bob Berrini, Supervisor Terry Soderberg, Supervisor Len Cersine, Clerk Nick Wognum, Treasurer Mary Ann Lekatz, Paige Maystadt, Julie Maystadt. 


Moved by Soderberg, seconded by Berrini to approve the minutes of the February 13, 2024 meeting. Motion carried.


Lekatz presented claims 1665 $8,917.05 16657 and 16658 were voided. The state of Minnesota claim was previously entered, so 16658 


A motion was made by Soderberg, seconded by Berrini to approve the claims as presented. Motion carried.


Receipts 96009 to 96011 for $25,340.05 were presented, $24,971 was taconite production and $369.05 went into the Reserve Fund. 


The budget for 2025 was discussed with the First Responders changed $28,000 and the fire to $80,000. 


Soderberg said the easement discussion with the DNR included a request for the township’s grant documents. The board approved the request.


Arriving at the meeting at 5:07 p.m. were Paige Maystadt and her mother Julie Maystadt. 


Paige said 1293 Highway 169 on 6.24 acres is the proposed location. The county has given them the okay to put it there. There would be three yards for the dogs which would be outside 9-5 during the week and 8-4 on Saturdays. She said barking can be controlled. She said there is a house and a couple garages next to it. CAST Outdoors is a neighbor along with a seasonal yurt. She said CAST has about 40 dogs. The current said the dogs nearby do howl at night. She said there are trees between the area and the other properties. The two support letters are people in favor of the project. Soderberg said the names on a previously submitted list were questioned by Elizabeth Chapman. Paige said she could remove the name of Elizabeth Chapman. Soderberg asked if any other neighbors have been spoken to. The only other one, she said, would be 300 feet. Soderberg said the notification will be within a quarter of a mile. Soderberg said a neighbor across the road had already complained about dogs. Soderberg suggested a public meeting be held on the proposal. The timeline to get everything up and running would take a year. Cersine said other people have investments in the area and that a meeting would be held to discuss the project. Paige said County Line kennels may be retiring in the future. Paige asked about CAST Outdoors. The board doesn’t believe they have a permit. There was discussion on the need for a place for people to bring their dogs whether on an hourly drop spot or longer. This may be more of a daycare to start with for people who need temporary dog watching. Soderberg said the board is not against the facility, it’s just the location of it. He said there will be lots of people using it. Berrini said it would be a great idea to have this in the area. Dog yards are common in bigger towns. Cersine said people who live in the township enjoy the peace and quiet. The board will have a public meeting. 


Treehouse Broadband through Isaac Olson informed the board that their grant application was not approved by the state in the latest round of funding. Olson said while the community and project plan was great, project costs were too high compared to competing applications. 


The community local board of appeal and equalization meeting will be held on May 7 on 9 a.m.


The board will ask adjoining property owner Matt Roderick if he is interested in a county 40 that is being changed to conservation.


 Soderberg noted the lack of snow is going to be a hit to the lodging tax. He said there is still ongoing discussion with Lake County which only wants to pay $120,000 a year. He said the board is pushing to get the full three percent funding. He said there is also a push to get a portion of the one percent monies for entertainment used in the Ely area as well. 


Cersine said the tar roads are in good shape and the dirt roads will need to be bladed. He said there are some culverts that may need to be thawed. He has seen water building up on the road edges. 


Berrini said the ambulance has not needed any additional funding so far. 


Wognum said the polls will open at noon on Tuesday for the township election. 



A motion was made by Soderberg, seconded by Berrini to adjourn at 5:44 p.m. Motion carried.



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Len Cersine, Chair                                          Nick Wognum, Clerk