May 15, 2024
At 4:02 p.m. on May 15, 2024 at the Morse Town Hall, Chairman Bob Berrini called a regular meeting of the Supervisors of the Town of Morse to order with the following present: Supervisor Terry Soderberg, Supervisor Len Cersine, Clerk Nick Wognum, Treasurer Mary Ann Lekatz, Rachel Heinrich, Butch Pecha and Beth Chapman.
Moved by Soderberg, seconded by Cersine to approve the minutes of the April 10, 2024 and the Board of Appeal meeting on May 7, 2024 meeting. Motion carried.
Rachel talked to the board about a catch that is used for dropping off books through an outdoor return. She asked if it was okay to use Morse funds to replace the outdoor return at a cost of $1,639.00. The board approved the request.
A motion was made by Cersine, seconded by Soderberg to approve Rachel Heinrich’s request to purchase an outdoor return for the library at a cost of $1,639. Motion carried.
Lekatz presented claims 16730 to 16752 for $24,038.57. The largest claim was for second half snowplowing.
A motion was made by Cersine, seconded by Soderberg to approve the claims as presented along with claims from Frontier, Len Cersine for mileage and Rosendahl. Motion carried.
Lekatz presented receipts 96013 to 96014 for $964.98 including a returned check.
The board discussed the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting where a citizen used foul language.
Berrini asked if there has been a request for a walking trail by Lucky Boy. There has been nothing formal. Wognum asked if it was the North Country Trail.
The board will have Road Inspection at 7 a.m. on Friday and look to meet with the DNR on the Taconite Trail Monday morning.
Paige Maystadt cancelled the meeting on establishing a dog park. She has not asked to reschedule.
The board discussed the wildlife defense grant workshop held on April 30. The next meeting will be held on May 20 at Fall Lake at 5 p.m.
Wognum gave an update on the new Town of Morse website which is up and running. He said the designation is still in the works.
A motion was made by Soderberg, seconded by Cersine to keep the recreation funding the same as last year. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Soderberg, seconded by Cersine to allow the County to sell additional parcels in Morse. Motion carried.
A letter from Larry and Patti Wellvang was discussed which included a request to have piles of brush and tree limbs removed. The board discussed looking at the lot lines on Friday. They also had trouble leaving a message. The clerk will talk to Frontier.
The board discussed other correspondence but took no action. Cersine said the township will not be putting calcium chloride on roads this year.
Soderberg gave a report on the Short Course he attended that was put on the Minnesota Association of Townships. He explained how over $800,000 was stolen from MAT through a phishing scheme. He said changes were made in the bylaws that determine when voting can be made on bylaw changes. The Legislative Day for townships was a failure with only 80 people showing up. There are 55,500 miles of township roads in Minnesota which are 20 percent of the roads and yet there is vey little funding provided by the state. Insurance reviews were also discussed. A District 3 director was removed for inappropriate language. Soderberg brought back packets of information on CTAS as well.
The board heard from Pecha we need edges for the grader and specified a certain type of blade. He said the cost is $5,000 for a set.
A motion was made by Soderberg, seconded by Cersine to approve the $5,000 expenditure for blades and picks for the township grader. Motion carried.
Pecha said the seat in the grader is in bad shape and needs to be replaced. He also said additional culverts are needed. The cost of the seat is $2,000.
A motion was made by Soderberg, seconded by Cersine to upgrade the seat in the grader. Motion carried.
Pecha said we need some 12 inch and 15 inch culverts at 30 feet long.
Bob said the ambulance joint powers will need to look at what to do with the old building on the site.
A motion was made by Soderberg, seconded by Berrini to adjourn at 5:23 p.m. Motion carried.
_____________________________ _____________________________
Bob Berrini, Chair Nick Wognum, Clerk