November 2023 Minutes



November 2, 2023


At 6:00 p.m. on November 2, 2023 at the Morse Town Hall, Chairman Len Cersine called a regular meeting of the Supervisors of the Town of Morse to order with the following present: Supervisor Bob Berrini, Supervisor Terry Soderberg, Supervisor Len Cersine (via phone), Clerk Nick Wognum, Treasurer Mary Ann Lekatz, Julie Maystadt, Paige Maystadt, Mike Harri.


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


The minutes of the October 10 were reviewed. 


A motion was made by Soderberg, seconded by Berrini to approve the minutes of the October 10 meeting. Motion carried. 


Paige Maystadt said she is a blind single mom starting a dog hotel in Morse. She has a degree in animal science. She has worked at dog hotels in Oregon and Texas. At 1161 Hwy. 169 is where she would like to have her business. She said it shouldn’t be too loud. The property has 4.2 acres and the way they would contain the sound is to have dogs outside from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. There would be daycare boarding, environmental enrichments and training. She is hoping to have one additional full time and four part-time workers. At maximum they would have 15 dogs but she expects 75% capacity, 10 for boarding and five for daycare. She is hoping this would reduce the number of dogs roaming around the town. In the big cities they had to keep the sound down. The dogs would be inside for much of the time and she would have sound machines that would help make the dogs not bark, soothing spray and CBD treats. In the yards she will train her employees how to keep the dogs quiet. Dog whistles would also be used. If the dogs need to be brought in for a timeout they can do that too. For the smell she would use giant dog genies which contains the smell completely. The genies would be emptied into a dumpster. These are pet dogs, different than sled dogs and she doesn’t expect many huskies which are two chromosomes away from a wolf. It wouldn’t be as loud as sled dog places. She has trained dogs in the past. She can get the dogs to do what she wants and she can teach her dogs to do the same. She needs the location because being blind she needs to be close to town to use the bus and to have groceries delivered by Zup’s. Dog hotel hours usually go before and after work hours. She would be open 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Long term stays would be less than three weeks. The property she is looking at was owned by Tom Today. The area is 3.18 acres according to Soderberg which is too small and would need to be 300 feet wide but it is only 150 feet wide. She has looked at another parcel but it didn’t fit. Julie said they would be willing to look at other options. Berrini asked if they had spoken to the neighbors. Julie said they had not, this was their first stop. Soderberg said the biggest concern is upsetting the neighbors. Cersine asked that they find another parcel that is further away from people and the board will take a look at it. 


Lekatz presented claims 16585 to 16609 was $40,800.69. This includes the $20,000 for the fire and first responders and the gutter repairs to the town hall. 


A motion was made by Soderberg, seconded by Berrini to approve the claims as presented. Motion carried. 


Receipts 787 to 790 for $6,104.62.  This includes a payment from the Unemployment Fund. 


Mike Harri said next Wednesday at 2 p.m. there will be a meeting with Mesabi Trail people. He asked to have the meeting here at the Morse Town Hall. Mike said he attended a table top meeting with Forest Service, DNR, St. Louis County and Lake County on emergency management. 


Nick said he contacted the DNR on the Taconite Trail and informed them the preferred easement width would be 40 feet. The board will request a full appraisal from the DNR. 


Nick said Treehouse is looking to provide broadband to an area provided by Frontier currently. The board will ask Rep. Roger Skraba along with Sen. Hauschild and Commissioner McDonald to contact Frontier. 


The board discussed the updated LRIP proposal with a new cost figure from SEH. Terry said he spoke to Jason Chopp about a proposal to purchase the small piece of property currently owned by Puzel. 


The board decided not to change the light as requested by residents on West Shagawa Road. Nick will check on options for a dark sky compliant light. 


A motion was made by Cersine, seconded by Berrini to deny the request to remove the light on West Shagawa Road. Motion carried. 


A motion was made by Soderberg, seconded by Cersine to nominate Bob Berrini to the RAMS board. Motion carried. 


A letter was received from Bill Erzar questioning the grading done at Romberg Acres. The holes were not removed during the grading process and a windrow was left on the edges. Bob said he will speak with Erzar about the issue. 


The board received the Elizabeth Chapman decision from the St. Louis Planning Department. The board noted the applicant was informed of the decision and when it will be implemented.


Terry said at the Lodging Tax Board meeting a budget of $300,000 includes $117,000 in wages was presented. Total for the year through August is $133,000 which is $20,000 down. He said Lake County is going to pay more now that they have found places that weren’t paying. With Lake County they should break $300,000.


The board discussed the Ely high school volleyball team which is one game away from the state tournament. 


A motion was made by Cersine, seconded by Berrini to donate $500 to the volleyball team if they make it to the state tournament. Motion carried. 


A motion was made by Cersine, seconded by Berrini to adjourn at 7:06 p.m.


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Len Cersine, Chair                                          Nick Wognum, Clerk