October 2023 Minutes



October 10, 2023


At 5:00 p.m. on October 10, 2023 at the Morse Town Hall, Chairman Len Cersine called a regular meeting of the Supervisors of the Town of Morse to order with the following present: Supervisor Bob Berrini, Supervisor Terry Soderberg, Supervisor Len Cersine, Clerk Nick Wognum, Treasurer Mary Ann Lekatz, Butch Pecha, Beth Chapman.


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


The minutes of the September 12 were reviewed. 


A motion was made by Cersine, seconded by Berrini to approve the minutes of the September 12. Motion carried. 


Lekatz presented claims 16559 to 16584 for $11,321.33. 


A motion was made by Cersine, seconded by Berrini to approve the claims as presented. Motion carried. 


Receipts 785-786 for $340.16.  


Nick said he contacted the DNR on the Taconite Trail and informed them the preferred easement width would be 40 feet. He hasn’t heard back from the Tower office.


Nick said he informed Treehouse of the new $50 million broadband grant program that is opening up. Isaac Olson will look at potential projects and inform the township. 


Lee Peterson of Greenwood Township had sent several emails to the township about ambulance services in the area. Nick provided a copy of the Greenwood ambulance study. 


Nick said he had contacted Eric Fallstrom on the township’s LRIP application so St. Louis County is aware Morse will be needing to pass a resolution of support. 


The township received a letter requesting a streetlight be removed at 1892 West Shagawa Road. It was signed by Jeff Larson, Dana Hein, Kelly Noble and Laurie McEntyre. The board discussed the request and concerns over safety. The board asked the clerk to contact Harold Langowski to see if there is a bulb that isn’t as bright. 


Terry gave an update from the RAMS meeting including raising the dues which would be $75 to $80 from $300 which he said he didn’t have a problem with. He said Paul Kess opposed the increase since the city had already set it’s budget for 2024. RAMS has 62 corporate members. Bob said there hasn’t been an increase in over 20 years and suggested that they raise the rates every three or four years. The increase would only add $26,000 to the RAMS budget. There was also discussion on environmental justice areas in Minnesota including Minneapolis, Rochester and Duluth. He said legislators from the Range to make sure our area was not included in this list. 


The board reviewed correspondence. 


Berrini noted Bill Erzar is getting $750 a month for having a cell tower. 


A motion was made by Berrini, seconded by Cersine to approve an increase to $750 a month for tower rental. Motion carried.


Len said roads are in good shape. Mike Velcheff has been grading township gravel roads. Pecha said last Thursday he put gravel on Somero Road in hopes that Mesabi Bituminous will be able to be paved. Stebly and Tek roads will also be paved as well. Nemanich said he would hold his prices until next year if they don’t get done. 


Terry said the Lodging Tax board will be meeting at the end of the month with the Tourism Bureau. 


Cersine said he has concerns on comments made online about the wolf-dog proposed project. 


Pecha said on Thursday he will be patching holes on blacktopped roads. He said the patching and the grading is the work to be done. 


The board reviewed a quote to put new gutters and leaf guards from Arrowhead Seamless Gutters for $1,908. 


A motion was made by Cersine, seconded by Berrini to approve the quote of $1,908 from Arrowhead Seamless Gutters. Motion carried. 


The next meeting was moved to Thursday, November 2 at 6 p.m.


A motion was made by Cersine, seconded by Berrini to adjourn at 5:42 p.m.


_____________________________               _____________________________

Len Cersine, Chair                                          Nick Wognum, Clerk


Official Website of Town of Morse