September 2023 Minutes



September 12, 2023


At 5:00 p.m. on September 12, 2023 at the Morse Town Hall, Chairman Len Cersine called a regular meeting of the Supervisors of the Town of Morse to order with the following present: Supervisor Bob Berrini, Supervisor Terry Soderberg, Supervisor Len Cersine (via phone), Clerk Nick Wognum, Treasurer Mary Ann Lekatz, Butch Pecha, Beth Chapman.


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


The minutes of the August 8 were reviewed. 


A motion was made by Soderberg, seconded by Cersine to approve the minutes of the August 8. Motion carried. 


Lekatz presented claims 16535 to 16558 for $61,829.34. This includes the cost of having gravel made and the claim for the ambulance subsidy.


A motion was made by Soderberg, seconded by Cersine to approve the claims as presented. Motion carried. 


Receipts 778 to 784 for $30,543.64 which includes the taconite production of $25,000 and federal PILT.  


The board discussed the four parcels owned by the township on the Taconite Trail. 


A motion was made by Berrini, seconded by Cersine to offer a 40-foot easement for the Taconite Trail to the DNR. Motion carried. 


The $15.15 amount per person for ambulance service was discussed.


Elizabeth Chapman said she received a letter from St. Louis County on the proceedings stating that Nov. 15 was the date to which she responded finding a place to live by Nov. 15 is challenging so there is an extension until May of 2024. She said if anyone knows any good places to move to in Morse Township she has until the end of May. She said she wouldn’t have moved there if she would have known. 


The LRIP funding is again available and the board discussed moving forward with an application. Morse would need to have St. Louis County sponsor the application.


A motion was made by Cersine, seconded by Berrini to submit a request to St. Louis County for LRIP sponsorship and submit a final application to MNDOT. Motion carried.


St. Louis County asked to retain VOTER funding of $76.23 that would have went to the county.


A motion was made by Berrini, seconded by Cersine to approve allowing St. Louis County $76.23 in VOTER funding. Motion carried. 


The board reviewed a request from a township resident for funding for the Ely Senior Center. The township has provided $400 the past two years.


The board reviewed the correspondence but took no action.


Soderberg said the Lodging Tax board will again meet in October.


Berrini said the Ely Area Ambulance Service should be getting quarterly reports from the billing company so they have a better idea of their financial situation. 


Berrini reported on a meeting of the St. Louis County Association of Townships and his frustration with the lack of state funding from the state legislature. Berrini said townships are paying the bills but not receiving funding back from the state. He will bring this up at the legislative meeting in December. Soderberg said he spoke with Rep. Skraba about additional funding for roads. Berrini said he has been pushing for ambulance funding. Soderberg said an increase in funding for the ambulance would be difficult with the city not even paying the full $15.15 amount. 


Roads. Butch Pecha asked about renting a compactor for $100 a day for Tek Road and Stebly Road. Berrini asked about getting road work done by October. Pecha said that was the plan. He said no additional culverts will be put in and that he is focusing on the upcoming paving work. Pecha said the blacktop patching on Wolf Lake Road has been completed. Soderberg said he spoke with Nemanich and said if they can’t get here until next spring the township can wait. The board approved the $100 rental fee for the compactor from Krueger Excavating. Soderberg said Pat Knutson requested a culvert to connect to West Shagawa Road. Pecha will look to see what we have. Soderberg said he spoke with Vic Lund about a hidden driveway sign after a request from Bill and Linda Hane. Lund said the signs have shown the people that live on the driveway figure that sign will protect them and they don’t slow down. The county will make the signs but Lund doesn’t recommend putting them in. Soderberg said the township could be liable and with the recommendation of the county engineer the township will not be installing signs. 


A motion was made by Cersine, seconded by Berrini to adjourn at 5:33 p.m. Motion carried.


_____________________________               _____________________________

Len Cersine, Chair                                          Nick Wognum, Clerk


Official Website of Town of Morse